Jon Savage - Violence

violence, taste, music, war, clash, anger, frustration, dschihad,

Jon Savage - Violence

Jon Savage, former music-journalist and author of books like "England´s Dreaming" and "Teenage" and screenplay-writer of the Joy Division Documentary bends a bow from his very personal experience of violence and the history of scholl-shootings to the social-cultural consequences of war. No matter if he´s talking about the dschihad or just his personal taste of music - this man has an attitude and stands for it. We were deeply impressed by his temper and we felt reminded of the interview with Billy Bragg, who talked about how to turn your anger into something positive. Jon Savage definetly knows how....

March 12th, 2009
Connie Lösch´s Flat, Berlin

Director of Photography: Sven Müller
Interview and Visual Concept: Sven Haeusler

Jon Savage at Wikipedia
